Community Resources

Acadiana Area Human Services District
AAHSD-DD serves as the Single Point of Entry for people with developmental disabilities who are seeking supports or services through Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospital..

The Advocacy Center
The Advocacy Center is Louisiana's protection and advocacy system. Federal law requires that a protection and advocacy system operate in every state to protect the rights of persons with mental or physical disabilities. Funded by the Developmental Disabilities Council, services provided by the Center include legal representation, information and referral, outreach and training for individuals with disabilities.

Community Development Institute Head Start
The mission of CDI Head Start is to serve children and families of low-income by fostering comprehensive, quality early childhood education services in community. The vision for CDI Head Start is to be extraordinary leaders in the world, calling forth greatness and committed to excellence in the community

Early Steps
EarlySteps is Louisiana's Early Intervention System under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C. EarlySteps provides services to families with infants and toddlers from birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.

The Extra Mile
The Extra Mile (TEM) is a statewide network of professional staff and volunteers dedicated to enhancing and enriching the quality of life for all persons served by public human service agencies.

Eckerd Connect Wraparound Agencies
Eckerd Connects Wraparound Agencies serves children and teenagers struggling with mental health and addiction disorders who are at risk of being placed outside the home. Services are coordinated with these young people and their families based on a national results-based model. The program involves families as active partners and uses a team-based approach to coordinate services across multiple systems—including family, youth, community, schools and agencies. This process is conducted in the home as well as in community settings and has earned positive feedback from both parents and the young people Eckerd Connects serves. Contact Emily Deer at 337-305-3997

Families Helping Families
Staff members at Families Helping Families (FHF) typically have someone in their lives who has a disability or they themselves have a disability. FHF looks forward to helping families recreate their lives by making them aware of the services that are available.

Louisiana United Methodist Children and Families
This organization helps older youth prepare to live an independent life. The providers can help older youth practice skills needed to live on his or her own, help plan for the future and many other things needed to know such as opening a bank account, budgeting, finding a place to live, applying for a job, etc. Contact Tammie Robertson at

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) focuses on building resilience and facilitating recovery for people with or at risk for mental or substance use disorders.